
Oh I know why. It's just silly either way. Feeds into a disease our culture is suffering 

Neat. Why is this something you deemed worth reporting on? 

That final statement is what makes everything you’ve said meaningless. You’ve made an unverifiable claim.

Every source I’ve found has attributed the layoffs to Microsoft and the memo I copied to you is Spencer saying as much.

You spent paragraphs attacking people by inaccurately characterizing their opinions and then try to take the high road by accusing me of doing that.

You’re assuming based on nothing.

Dude. The game was canceled as part of the merger. It is not my job to prove it would have not been canceled otherwise.

From Spencer’s own internal memo.

The layoffs and cancelations at AB were a direct result of the merger. It was part of the reorganization. That's a fact. 

I understand perfectly fine. You have no real rebuttal other than repeating the same, unverifiable claim.

You didn’t prove anything. You listed potential causes but it’s still conjecture.

Exactly. The pacing complaints are generally made by people who hate the game because Joel died but they want to have a more rational complaint or by people who are trying to find some sort of middle ground to explain the backlash to the game. 

That’s nonsense. They go hand in hand. There were almost 2000 layoffs across MS owned studios. Both the cancelation and the layoffs are a result of that.

And yet, it hadn’t been. Took a massive merger and layoffs to kill it.

🙄 sure. Tell yourself that last bit. Your opinion is SO much more valid because you make completely unverifiable statements about the opinions of others.

Looks like there is a single player campaign BUT I always worry that those just serve as a glorified tutorial for the multiplayer.

That still doesn’t mean it would have happened anyway. You’re focusing on one factor and hand waving the rest because you don’t want the merger to look like it’s had deleterious results already.

$69 billion merger, missed growth projection for GamePass, standard merger practice of playing off redundant positions, and the beginning of a fiscal quarter.

The fact that it's online is a massive turn off. Playing against other people is almost always worse. 

That would be a massive mistake