Not much of a disadvantage as you would think. There’s ways to make up for that. like heading for the highest ground so that you can see everyone. I tend to go for sniper characters, etc because of this reason.
Not much of a disadvantage as you would think. There’s ways to make up for that. like heading for the highest ground so that you can see everyone. I tend to go for sniper characters, etc because of this reason.
You have to take in account deaf players, etc. As a deaf gamer myself, nothing annoys me more than elitist pricks who thinks that mics are the only way to game.
I do wonder if the reason why the ancients loved those colors so much, is because different paint colors were finally affordable to everyone in public, just not a select few? Think about it— white, black, red and green were typically the only colors everyone was able to afford, because those colors were often taken…
I actually like some of the new outfits in the “censored” version... they’re cute as hell. But I will admit that some of the changes left me stratching my head. like the screenshot with the white wedding dress thing.... to me that was a perfectly tame scene. It seems excessively prudish to cover up just because she…
Which was exactly my point. lol, at all the people who got mad at my comment and didn’t see the point I was making.
My point, your head.... watch it go over your head completely.
Maybe it’s a cultural thing. The women here (in America) tends to be way into unrealistic stuff. The more unreal it is the better. There’s Yaoi and boylove here too but the men end up being aliens, elves, or what not. They’re rarely human.... unless it’s based on something like Harry potter then it’s human wizards.
In my experience, men are the one who’s into realstic stuff while women tends to fantasize more. There’s a reason why most fan-fiction writers are women, after all. You very rarely see fan-fiction written by men, because they’re all too content to let others do the hard work and just enjoy reading books or watching…
The first injustice game was pretty good. The only jarring thing was that every time your character even twitched or breathed, the background would randomly explode and stuff for no good reason. I get the idea of having an interactive background that shows how powerful that attack was, etc... but to me all it did was…
In a way this sorta reminds me of how I was in middle school and high school with my own friends. Movies and popular media always make such a big deal about how jocks, nerds, goths, etc couldn’t ever be friends or anything because it was literally impossible for any of them to have anything in common. But at my…
I’ve noticed that every country out there, not just America, tends to be more harsh on foreign-imported games than they are of their own home-brewed games. It’s like the morality police is extremely worried about some foreign guys influencing the young kids with corrupt values, etc.
America freaks out over some cutesy…
If you have an whole race of males only, then the obvious soultion to breeding is male pregancy though natural and artificial means. Or at least I assume that’s how they do it in the game.
Nah, as a feminist I disagree with you. You’re allowed to think that something’s competely fucked up even if the writer is a woman. Women, just like men, can have some pretty dark and fucked up stuff going on. I mean, you can understand why this particular woman wanted to explore those themes and work though her own…
Wait a mintue, the reason for your douchey comment was because you thought I was some kind of SJW? so you went out of your way to make me mad with the sailor moon stuff because I had Sailor V as my avatar. Never mind that I was never on anybody’s side, and were just a innocent girl who happened to like Sailor moon.…
Just saying that both sides tend to exaggerate things to the point of ridiculousness. The Gamergate-type scum wanted a scapegoat to vilify, and they got it in Allision rapp. The most ironic part of this to me is that they were doing this in protest of video censorship, so they pick the one person who originally…
Never mind that Allison rapp never ensdored or supported pedophiles at all. She argued in an college essay a long time ago, against the censorship of Japanese games. She cited how different our two cultures were as one of the reasons why it shouldn’t be censored. Naturally the people who wanted to run an smear…
I don’t mind crossovers as long as they actually try to make it match the game’s atheistic. and like you said, a option to hide it would be good.
I don’t mind a white actress playing the main lead, if they used english names or whatever. But I do find it weird that the movie is going to have everyone be white with Japanese names. So it’s like... white people living in Japan with super-Japanese names???
I mean, they better have one hell of a good explanation…
I really think that the way they handled Carol’s change of heart was clumsily done. I think I would had brought into it if Carol’s change was more gradual, and had her slowly realizing that she was just sick and tired of having to kill for survival. Even stone cold killers need a vacation from that sort of thing…
Oh man, this is bringing back memories. I actually played active worlds way back in 1995 or so. And even with Servers full of people, there was always something weird or creepy about some of the worlds that you explored. For instance if you went swimming chances are that you might come across some unfriendly mermaids…
But if the said character is underage then it seems werid to want to increase the bust size of a underage character and then be against child porn. It’s like why give a 13 year old girl huge DD-sized breasts if you’re not turning her into an sexual object?