Aurora Moon

If there was like 13 daves working at a single place I could understand that. But if there’s litterally only two of them and they both have different jobs, then how hard is it to refer to them as the IT guy and the Technician guy? Especially if you’ve been working there for like 4+ years, and should had known more

I see where you’re coming from... but wouldn’t it get really tiring after a while to be only defined by that one thing? I speak as an deaf woman that it does get old after a while when people see me and only see my deafness, and never sees that there’s more to me as a person beyond my hearing loss. Like how some gay

I can definely believe that the mentality and how people behaved, was different in the 70's. Hell, I was raised during the 80's and while the mentality was evolving to be more aware about things like pedophilia, etc, the 80's mindset was way different the mindset we have today.

Wasn’t there a theory floating around about why Ash appeared to be immortal? And I’m not talking about the Coma theory. There’s this pokemon named Ho-Oh. In several versions of the Pokedex that revolves around this Pokemon, it is believed that the feathers of this Legendary bird gives the user eternal happiness.

A lot of intelligent pokemon don’t talk though. It could be that all pokemon tends to commuicate with each other though empathy and body language, so most of them feel that learning how to speak the human lanagues would be bothersome.
Especially since most human beings don’t seem to speak a single language at

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I’m imaging this Piakchu to have a simlar origin to the talking Meowth from Team Rocket. Only this Pikachu watched and read too much detective stuff that he ended up having a deep voice like the men in the movies and TV shows that he watched all the time.
Turns out that any pokemon can actually learn how to speak,

What I really dislike about the game is the lack of any peaceful resolutions towards the end. I mean, look at the first runthough I did:
I joined the Railroad, and then became a double spy when I also joined the institute. I really enjoyed being an double spy. And then when my son said he was putting me in the charge

I don’t think that’s what the quote really meant. The fact is, there’s all those cultural differences between countries... not to mention the different laws in each country regarding how underage characters are depicted. Is it stupid that a boob slider was removed from a game? Yes, it is. But it had no impact on the

As long as the white voice actress doesn’t speak in an highly sterotypical “ghetto/slave” voice in an attempt to sound “black”, it should be fine. Besides, voices by themselves doesn’t always show what race you really are if you only heard the voice and didn’t see the person. I know black girls who’s been cruelly

Maybe this is an time-traveling article from the future?

I’m gald this exists. You know why? Because every time some person asks me why I have to “overreact” to drawings of women whose bodies are so disorted and impossibly posed for the sake of “Sexyiness”... I can just simply show them this statue, and ask them what their initial reaction to it is. Then this way it’s

Truthfully, I was never a big fan of the Xbox-style controllers.... because I tend to face the same problems the author of this article faced with the steam controller. So of course I groaned internally when I saw that the steam controller looked more like a Xbox’s controller. Give me a playstation-style controller

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This reminds me of the time that red torando tried to be human and capture the feeling of christmas. He came off creepy too... lol.

sounds like the stragety I used against Nazis in Wolfsiten 3d as a young girl. I thought it was so hilarious to see the look on their faces when they opened the door to see me standing there on the other end with a pistol pointed at their face. I would shoot one, close the door and wait for the others to come once

I probably have the least romantic video game story where I met my boyfriend. :P or at least it didn’t start off romantically. My story in a nutshell: I was playing a Chinese to English mmorpg, and it was February... so naturally that meant cheesy romantic events going on in the game and triple the exp for married

The way the breasts are shaped actually reminds me of the werid conical bras that women had to wear in the 40’s to 50’s... making every woman’s breasts look like super-pointy cones.
I also know for a fact that the victorians also had some werid-ass lingerie that deformed the breasts when worn... some breasts could be

This is exactly why i love watching sport video game clips.... even though I dislike playing sport video games. They always make me laugh too hard....

I don’t mind it if some character runs around half-naked in a video game... but I do find it hard to take a game seriously If they make it too obvious that the outfit was clearly there to titlate the player instead of actually being integral to the story. Then it’s way too distracting for me to actually focus on the

I have to say the precure went a long way since it first started out. when it first started I thought Cure black and Cure white was the stupidest names I’ve ever heard, plus it was kind of annoying with the way they kept on having to hold hands for EVERY single attack. Like, what happens when one of them has to take

I think one of the biggest problems with video-games nowadays is that creators tend to take a lot of lazy shortcuts. you said it yourself: