
Big Dick Paul was so cool on American Gothic and now he is going to be a main character on Midnight , Texas. Yay!

But Kira has aged 5 years ?

Yeah I saw this before on AHS Coven, FYI it didn't get any less nauseating for me to watch!

You're being cheeky right?

But they are related ? They have to be? Kendall's twin she absorbed had to be a male or there wouldn't have been a Project Castor to begin with . And I'm not talking about crossing, I'm talking about explaining why the Leda's are sick or could be sick one day. Remember Dolly the Sheep? It came from a single

That's me , so simple ; )

Why does a person who doesn't watch a show want to read a review and then comment, negatively for that matter?


I'm not a scientist so correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the clones products of Kendall and her own fraternal twin? Could DNA used be too closely related? Maybe that's the problem with all of them, there was no diversity in the genes.

I wonder if a Castor had sex with a Leda if she'd be doubly diseased?You just made me think that hard!

I always hoped Cosima would discover them hidden at Felix's and use them for her cure.

I think Topside runs Castor, Dyad runs Leda, Neolution runs Brightborn, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're all run by the same parent company .

If you don't like the show then go away!

Well good for you, what are you doing here ?

Don't understand the love for Alison , she's selfish and her character hasn't developed since season 1.

Yeah Kira's always sitting down I noticed ha!

That's when I thought the series really became interesting .

They'll throw it all together in the series finale don't you worry. I thought it was the best episode so far this season .

Then don't watch, this is what 4 seasons of build up was for afterall!

I thought Cosima looked fantastic , Rachel could pull off an Amanda power suit for sure. (Melrose Place)