
I'm convinced the show was filmed last October or November in order for Autumn like weather on the island .

Yeah what does Donnie do?

What is AOS?

I didn't realize they'd actually broken up.

I haven't read them, but I'm thinking about it now . I would love to know more about MK.

And Crystal ! Not invited to the Party!

Only with miraculous amounts of phoney tan lotion.

Does anyone know if the comic books are canon? Does anyone know what the clones and Mrs S were doing for income? I still don't know how they were supporting themselves , except Rachel. I wonder what happened to the 3 million MK stole from Ferdinand . What happened to Helena 's boyfriend ?And how

At least The X Files had hot David Duchovny to look at…

They never meet her, how do they know they don't get along with her?

I thought almost 300 was far too many, almost to the point of ridiculous . What ever happened to Kiera's dad, weren't he and Sarah back together ? I really expected Rachel to be invited into the sisterhood, Helena was forgiven after murdering how many clones? Why couldn't they tell Crystal ? I wish I could

lol but where is it supposed to be ? Everyone seems to fly back and forth in no time.

Do you people realize this a Canadian series? We all don't care about your Donald Trump or your Kelly Anne Conway . We're not obsessed with the United States even though you all think that the world is.

I was once a hairdresser. Bleach would have just about killed her if she didn't use water afterwards which it didn't look as if she did. Yes her hair could have fallen out and grown back in brown. After 20 years it would not be still blond unless she kept doing it. Also , her hair would not have bleached out so

She's permitted her opinion . This is a discussion , isn't it? The show is making so many little mistakes this season that I'm impressed viewers are only picking on the larger ones.

Why were they auditioning other actresses when they already had a young clone? Why not cast the first time with an actress they were confident could play all the roles ? If it wasn't the series finale next week this is a big enough turn off for me to discontinue watching.

I know right ?

But she didn't have a shower afterwards , she would have been burned beyond belief. It's easier to believe Hydrogen Peroxide is kept in a cleaning closet then believe Helena survived that .

It wasn't bleach,it was Hydrogen Peroxide. Bleach would have seriously injured her. Though Hydrogen Peroxide wouldn't have worked that fast.

That's what I thought as well , I really disliked this episode