Tanya Bell

I didn't like her character before l was ever on this site and you telling me that she is awesome is not going to change my mind…that being said l love Rosalee and her husband…l think Nick is hot and l love Trubel…Thank God she is not the show because l wouldn't watch…

I wonder how is it that they have a relationship in real life the chemistry is just not there…Also you keep mentioning Adalind l have not mentioned her once…l stand by my opinion Juliette sucks and so do her wigs…The writer can write a character one way, but as an actress you create the role and hers is boring and

You're right everyone on the show is flawed but killing some one's mom is a bit to much to forgive hexinbeast or not. Also, writing does not have anything to do with onscreen chemistry either you have it or you don't. Writing cannot create chemistry imo. Juliette is not my favorite character for other reasons as

Then she'll be even more annoying…everyone seems to have lost their memory that she killed Nicks mom and innocent neighbors


I don't understand why they keep her character around…she sucks


Eve is like a Pet Cemetary movie let her be dead already

Hey Felicia, l love it when you talk dirty keep it coming suga 😘 #policehiredhelpldidnotstutter.

No, l could do more, but why waste my rebuttal on a person who cannot fully articulate an agruement (that would be you), and therefore probably would not be able to understand the nuances of the message I was trying to convey. So, in laymans terms and my Cookie voice bye Felicia!

Before you come for me use spell check ✔ Oh btw, the Police already know what time it is, you apparently do not. Smh

Your comparison to urban America and the Jungle are not overtly racist but blantantly so. The Police choose their jobs, so, cry me a river about them having to work in the Jungle. We are not animal's, although comparing urban living to a jungle is suspect of what we are and what the cops believe we are, but l

I'm perplexed 😖 at the authors stance not to give the show its props for addressing institutionalized racism head on. Wtf, l cried like a baby watching the show, not just because l am African-American but because I'm a mom, who raised Black boys to fear the Police for their own safety. It was art imitating life in

It's dead on the money 💰