
Any Democrat who uses the word “bipartisanship” needs to be politely escorted from the building and cordially asked to never return.

Shut the fuck up, you longwinded blowhard. You are wrong. Mirkinson is right.

The Democrats would be in power if they weren’t spineless, disconnected, feckless tools who are too busy sniffing their own farts to realize they have been getting their asses whipped for 10 years. Stop blaming the people who came out to vote despite not liking their choices.

Shut the fuck up. You’re horrible.

If I recall three million more voted for Hillary in 2016. But I guess it’s their fault for not living in Michigan and Wisconsin.

As yourself, where was the minority leader in all of this? You were satisfied with his performance over the last four months?

I love getting that lecture from fucking morons about how we need to elect centrist/red state “Democrats” like Manchin simply because they have a (D) by their name just so we can watch them help pass Conservative policy again and again and again.

In this time of great divisiveness, rather than rallying around a crime against our people committed by the GOP and their funders, I’d like to further divide us by pointing out the divisions that allowed this to happen”