Raccoon and Tanuki

Engine cover is dirty, mint containers are shoved haphazardly into the front dash compartment. How can it be the cleanest with a MOUNTAIN BIKE in the van?! The helmet and backpack look like they were just thrown in the back too. Absolutely disqualified.

My mother drives with a leadfoot, and yells at other drivers, but only in New York. She loves her red wagons, red mk3 Passat and mk6 Jetta. But has had a 2004 silver v70R, and currently a 2004 VW R32. Always manual.

Fired. No banjo kazooie? Snowboard kids? Iggy’s wrecking ball? Pokemon stadium?

“Your name” is not deserving of this list. It is below “Tokyo Godfathers”, “Millenium actress”, “Summer Wars”, easily several others. The crowdfunded “In this corner of the world” beat out “your name” in Japan’s academy awards for anime films.

May I suggest:

Cheap plot with average characters. Deservingly lost out to “in this corner of the world” in japan’s cinema awards. It’s got makoto shinkai’s visuals but meh besides that. Shinkai’s previous film stood out more. Was not worth a second watch. No magic feeling.

Run. Anything while your partner is unconcious is a no go under any circumstances. Even if you had a rape fantasy, unconscious is beyond that.

My high school had a CAD design class. I designed cars there but eventually veered off after realizing it didn’t suit my art style. Still have the rhino software though. I always preferred cad program for cars vs hand drawing.

So it’s basically nothing new. Bunch of stylistic visuals mashed together with angel beats and coffee.

I, I think there’s plenty of horny shitbags that treat cis women the exact same way. Only they parade them and still be shitty.

1976 is the magic year. 3 dang 1976s. Yellow Volvo p1800es with the most comfy front and rear bucket seats ever, the most lovable “slow car, go fast” Porsche 912e, and the Bmw 2002 father son project featured in Bimmer magazine.

It’s a frat boy’s 306hp bloated mini-fridge.

So it doesn’t start if someone’s planning to pick up their crazy girlfriend or boyfriend? And surely won’t start on somebody’s wedding day.

Band name: Punched Right

Sweet fuck. That’s more kids gathered over something happening than I even saw during a lunch break.

From Spencer’s reactions I’m pretty sure the assassination key word is, “fake news” or, “inauguration crowds”. Only problem is Putin was probably conned out of so much money by Trump that he can’t afford to pay the shooter.

Because Nou Jyoooge.

Every school should change its mascot to the Bears. We need friendly bears at every school, to troll her.

Your Japanese coworkers can smell your negative gaijin McDonald’s stigma so they say what you want to hear.

Kanye vs Warren