Raccoon and Tanuki

It's great because there's no unlocking or building anything. Chess with 10 people.

Boobs never held my interest. It just seems like there's nothing to do with them. Intermission between making out or something


If i’m in Japan can I fit either?

“I can see articuno from my house!”

The public face only lasts so long especially if it's something like this and only a job to them.

Of course not. They fainted and were taken to a Pokemon center to be healed.

I didn't watch any of it and can already tell from this analysis it won't be worth watching. There's plenty of car reviews on YouTube. I watched top gear because the chemistry made it worth watching. If there's no chemistry they might as well send the hosts back to YouTube.

911r still wins as being a more classy car.

I like the design at least.

I really like this

I bet they photoshopped her belly button out. Haha

NO! It looks like an audi. The back isn’t square enough.

I saw this coming!

Got nothing on Japanese dekotora

っぽい is usually -ish. But childish is one of the few times -ish usually refers to character rather than appearance. Forgot about that. I’d probably use 男っぽい少女 for your example though that while not super specific the additional use of 外観 or 性格 would probably be overkill unless you’re clarifying for someone.

Wouldn’t 子供っぽい be more accurate?

What a SAAB story.

The movie felt like watching cosplay.