
It's no more bullshit than going for a car that can shave off tenths of a second off of a run, or a TV/monitor with a higher resolution and picture quality that makes the image just a bit more lifelike.

It's called a hackintosh. Buy the parts, put the comp together, and slap the OS on it. Save 30% or more.

I guess I'm the only one that hasn't paid enough attention to a soap to really make the connection, however as an avid gamer I think I can relate. Given the difference between the 30 fps loved by consoles and a smooth (or smoother) 60 fps for PC games, defects in the models or effects become more apparent at a higher

Agreed - I go through the same evolution on my desktops.

So would an internet avatar or pseudonym count as a person? Especially since they can be assumed by multiple users.

Other than the image having an uncanny resplendence to a system map, and the fact that many EVE players enjoy slicing and dicing data (including graphical visualization of data)..... nothing.

I play EVE, and I thought it was pretty cool. /shrug

I had a Pentium 4 prescott back around year 2000 that would clock to 4Ghz. It was a piece of crap that ran way too hot and actually let AMD break into the market with their XP series with better performance per clock cycle (for most applications). The opposite is true for the current gen intel chips and the new AMD FX

This isn't really news, given the night and day difference between current gen hardware and the Xbox360/PS3. In fact, given that they are planning on using a 6000 series GPU, and the significant performance boost seen in the 7000 series, you can expect the performance of these consoles to feel dated on release day. At

Even amongst overclockers there's only a small contingent of people that will garner much of a benefit from this program. Only those that are really pushing the limits of their CPU doing suicide runs with extreme voltages really run the risk of killing a CPU. Basic overclocking for a 24/7 performance boost is

If the music industry is any indication. CDs are dropping dramatically in popularity and people are forgoing CD level (or better) sound quality in exchange for the convenience of streaming. I could see HD/HQ movie formats becoming a relatively small niche market just like vinyl and high bitrate music is today.

2 things.

I'm sorry but the G930 really don't compare when it comes to sound quality. For gaming - possibly - but for music, the weird frequency response will skew balance/sound of the instruments and vocals. The wireless is handy.

A lot of the comments they describe for the Q701 indicates that the amp they were using was underpowered. The Q701, K701, and K702 are all known to be fairly hard to drive, but given enough power, combined with a replacement cable, they can be a real pleasure to listen to (highly dependent on the type of music).

I wonder if the hardware acceleration will work any better than the current implementation in flash that I had to be disabled due to memory leaks and crashing issues. Also I'm not sure that "console quality" graphics is really the best selling point given the current gen consoles are nearing 6 years old.

This is only partly true. Clock speed still does matter. Multiple cores allows processes to be executed in parallel (if supported), a higher clock speed allows each process to be executed quicker. Also, over the years each core has become more powerful (IPC), which again is affected by clock speed.

@Spartanical: I agree completely. Netflix HD isn't bad, but it definitely doesn't touch Blue-Ray quality. It's probably not as noticeable on a laptop, but on a proper home system streamed media just loses the extra "wow" factor that many of us look for when watching a favorite movie.

@RobotVampire: I'd be happy with just a touchscreen keyboard if the screen is sensitive enough. I guess it depends on if you plan on using it primarily as a gaming platform or as a phone.

I love my K702's and have no desire to bite on a pair of Q701's. Any mods to headphones I would rather have tailored to my hearing/tastes, than someone else's.

Also keep in mind that most motherboards found in commercial computers aren't designed well for overclocking, and have limited (if any) number options for overclocking in the bios. Also some chips give you much greater returns from overclocking.