Tante Leonie

Nah, the worst is people who say "less" instead of "fewer" and who also use "literally" as an intensifier.

A thousand times, yes!

Grammar mavens everywhere rejoice.

Leonard Cohen has always been cool.

An up vote from Team Stannis!

Excellent! I had forgotten about that bit in "Barcelona."

When I was in college in the 70's, the sister of one of my best friends got religion and became a Jesus Freak.
In all honesty, her mother expressed the wish that she'd rather her daughter be doing drugs.

Very clever. Especially if you're French.

'Oh, it's twue. It's twue. It's twue, it's twue!'

Hanged. Hanged. "Watch as Brienne is hanged." Pet peeve, similar to hoist on petards.

Have you ever seen the 1963 movie, "Tom Jones"? I think the Tormand scene was a homage to a scene in that.

Or Tarth-babies?

True. But Antonioni does know how to blow shit up.

All I could think of was "Rectify"!

For those of us of a certain age, that would be our youth.

Too bad the writing is rubbish.

That's what grieves me about this show. It is such a breath-taking visual feast with a peerless score, but the hackneyed writing is making it unbearable for me to watch.

Speaking of Deadwood, while enduring the cringe-worthy, flat and pedestrian writing of The Knick, I can only dream of what David Milch could have done with The Knick.