
Males do discuss penis size and this is not unusual and locker rooms across the world always have those guys who swagger knowing they have the biggest dick in the room . I do think the majority of fathers would agree that they would be proud of their son if he was well endowed and it is like you said a “guy thing”

Males get their endowment from either the father’s side of the family or the mother’s side of the family.. Women may find it shocking that a father would be proud of their son if he was was well endowed while most men would shrug it off as something that is “guy talk”. It’s not unusual for a father to brag among their

Why isn’t a man who actually owns a penis writing articles about this subject? I can understand fully why some women can’t understand why it is that some males engage in “guy talk” like this and that is simply because they don’t own a penis themselves.. Yes a father would be proud of their son if the father found out