
Because if he remembers that he was Galavan (and if he didn't, then he wouldn't feel the need to kill Bruce Wayne in order to avenge his family), then that conflicts with his Azrael persona.
If they're trying to make him seem even more crazy and have some aspects of MPD, well….they didn't really flesh that out, and

Those aren't flashbacks and Bran isn't seeing memories….it'll be revealed that he can time travel, and eventually he'll master it, be able to affect the past and undo all the horrible shit that has happened!

Well, Penguin did steal the show again. That aside….
- Really, Nygma? You'll make sure that you put pillows under your blanket but you're not going to put the vent grate back into position?
- Speaking of that, is Nygma really the only person to ever have thought of using the ventilation shafts to get out?
- Hmmm, so

Yikes. This show is really hit or miss right now. They really need to end this Kendra/Carter stuff fast, because it just doesn't work. Mick was absolutely right that Carter would just be reincarnated, and it's for a FUTURE CARTER at that. Good grief, Kendra. Use your brain for once.
Oh, and despite it being hyped that

"The most irritating thing about this plot point is that Kendra doesn’t realize that being a time traveler with a boyfriend that reincarnates means that there are other available Carters in the timestream"

"Maybe Laurel really is dead, but can we please get Lance seeking out the help of one John Constantine to try to bring her back? Hell, let’s throw in Alex Kingston as Dinah for one hell of a trio."

"(There was some question last week about how Zoom was able to get back to his own Earth, but from what I could gather here, he used the breach Cisco vibed open last week. Did we not see Cisco close it?)"

1. Why didn't Malcolm just kill Darhk? He can get in and out of the prison easily, Darhk is completely powerless, and apparently isn't getting any help from other Hive members. Without Darhk, it seems that the Genesis plan could easily fall apart or be prevented.

So the take-away is that Sheldon and Amy's relationship grows a bit because he opens up to her, but he pretty much negates any sort of progress on working on his hoarding problem when he puts the golf ball back in the storage unit, which for me symbolizes overall how the series has treated Sheldon's "progress", or

Eh. I still find the way she reacted to his first health concern from the heart condition to be in direct contrast to her actions on withholding the medicine. In general the characters just seem all over the place.

I get that. I suppose it's not so much her motivation then, as much as her perceived actions and mentality in going about that motivation, and how they at times appear to contract it.

I didn't understand the wife's motivations - one moment she's making sure he doesn't get his heart medicine, then when the effects of that take place she confronts her children and ask what they did, as if his worsening condition was unexpected. And then when he's poisoned, she shows genuine horror at what is

So Nygma obviously had to find a time to sneak in the giant fake bomb into the museum when no one was around, so why didn't he just steal the painting then? Or if the bomb was part of the exhibit he still had to find time to wire it and set it up to emit smoke when no one was looking. Yeesh.
And for being able to

"I think I almost rolled my eyes right out of my head when that Bruce Wayne voiceover closed out the episode."

Oh look, another episode trying to make us feel sympathetic towards Sheldon before it then has him again act like an asshole, completely negating any sort of good will we have towards him. Rinse and repeat. Ugh.

I was beginning to grow tired of Darhk's bullshit Force powers always being the main thing that caused Arrow to fail in defeating him, so I was glad that it's (hopefully) out of the way. One of the things I wish they would have built upon is Thea's immunity to Darhk's life-sucking power. If they had extended that to

King Shark was cool. Wally is still an unlikable dick. That reveal at the end was pretty awesome.

I didn't find this episode funny or even that endearing - Howard's freak-out was just…annoying and in excess of how he normally is, which given the nature of the freak-out I could certainly understand…but I'm just sick of him. Around Season 7 I started to feel that the show was beginning to run its course, especially

I'll take a spy show featuring Carter and Dottie - they make a great "odd couple", and Bridget Regan is fantastic.

If their plan was to make us dislike Wally by portraying him as an asshole, they're doing a good job.
"You weren't there for me growing up- no, it doesn't matter that you didn't even know I existed. You should have found out…'cuz you're a detective! No, I'm not going to accept your money to help my mom, I'd rather