
I was really hoping that Malcolm, being the new Ra's, would have some means of countering Damien's magical powers. It would have been great if he was being force choked then just looked up at him and said, "Nice try, bitch".
Maybe he'll go and do some special training and come back prepared for a rematch with. I feel

"On the other hand, it shows that perhaps Sheldon is finally starting to reckon with his coldness. "

"Richards is one of the few performers on the show outside of Donal Logue
who seems to understand how to strike the balance between fun and
menacing without falling into that deadly trap of being too cartoonish
and goofy."

Not only did I not find Kubrick's version scary (quite boring, actually - and I am very easily scared - horror is one of my least favorite genres because of that, and I found this movie to be more comedic than scary…), I thought the story and characters were poorly done as well. Nicholson is supposed to play a man who

I found this episode nearly as bad as last week's. I didn't care about Bridgit Pike then, and I still don't, especially given how rushed her character is, and her "change" to being "bad" - but then, I shouldn't be surprised by how poorly she's written, since the writers still don't know how to write women well in

When they shot at the kid outside the Merc and he EXPLODED, I laughed so hard with my head in my hands. My fiancee looked at me and said, "did they just jump the shark?"

Agreed. While initially I was slightly bummed that they ended the Simmons rescue so quickly, in the end it's probably better for the story - the repercussions of what happened to her will certainly be interesting to see, and I'm sure we'll get flashbacks of her time on the planet as well.

It was set up like a regular phone keypad - there were letters under each number, but since they were so small and the camera didn't hold on it for too long, it's certainly easy to miss.

The password to the locked door was BRUCE. >____>

I would have liked to see a bit more development regarding Skye, Cal, and Jiaying as a family (or the rather, the drama and issues that perhaps have prevented them from being a family as Cal wants them to be ), as well as with Jiaying and the lack of contrast between her peaceful facade and her turn to villainy that

" Like Tony Stark, Jiaying’s drastic actions are done in the name of safety for her people, and like Tony Stark, Jiaying hasn’t considered the negative consequences."

"It’s a shame Fish Mooney won’t be around anymore".
Completely disagree. Mooney is one of the worst characters on the show, and I hope beyond hope that she actually was killed off by Penguin. Let's go over the laundry list of issues with this week's ep, starting with:
1. Fish Mooney. As if I didn't care about her back

I actually find it interesting how people find the first better overall as a film - and by that I mean, take out the moments put in to excite us as fans (Hulk stuff, etc), and look at it from a cinematic point of view and judge it on the characters, story, cinematography, etc. In that regard, I find the 2nd to be

It had enough 'downtime moments' to focus on the characters, even more so I'd say than the first movie, and there was certainly as many scenes of them combating each other (both physically and ideologically) - again, seemingly more than the first.

Horrendous episode as usual. Everything with Fish Mooney….ughhhhhhh. I am so sick and tired of her character and her story arc. I hate everything about them.

Whoops. Gotta wait until the 14th. :(

What an amazing episode - and next week, Arrow AND Atom show up? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

That makes sense. I just wish they'd work on world-building a bit to help elaborate on the situation she's in instead of us theorycrafting what it might mean. I guess they felt they could ignore that since they had to yet again focus on showing how "tough" Fish is.

Clearly harvesting one eye isn't worthless if she was able to get just one. I would expect that they could keep her one eye in the event that someone else only damages one of their eyes, just like what happened to her. Obviously most people aren't going to be gouging just one of their eyes out with a spoon (or both

Great episode. Cobblepot was fantastic as usual (especially at the end where he only had one shot in the gun left), but I still am not digging anything to do with Fish. Not that it's not out of the ordinary to see things that require some suspension of disbelief in this show, but am I to believe that in one night (it