Shart of the Deal

5-1 in the last 5 games? No wonder they’re first in the West!

Just watched this movie last weekend. Still not sure how I feel about the

Pretty sure *one* of the points of the post is that teens have always smoked things and they always will smoke things. Used to be cigarettes, now it’s strawberry flavored nicotine juice. Why are wine moms suddenly horrified? Because the juice tastes like fruit? FOH.

In other words, he’s a smooth-brained bougie glob

This man’s brain is a smooth as glass.

You could write the same blog about any number of “milks”. Almond milk, hemp milk, cashew milk. It’s all just fuckin’ water pressed through ground up flora.

Tim Heidecker creeps me out even when he’s being funny. Curious to see what’s up with his character . . .

She mentions the red storm when she’s talking about Jupiter. He becomes, in other words, her red storm

It’s on Amazon


Open Your Heart is one of the greatest pop songs ever.

real question tho: you get to sleep with prime madonna or prime gaga. who do you choose? it’s tough, and tbh, that’s what this and every beef is all about...Madge trying to maintain grip on the nyc italian pop starlet of all time.

thats the shar tof the deal

its gotta get all hot without being an asshole

its gotta get all hot without being an asshole

david gergen is a milquetoast pice of shit btw

i bet shart fartchize gets upan ass before colon craperdick shits on the deal

fuck yeah dude shartchize more like it

thats the shart of the deal

Fuhhh.... too many bbers too many years

The most unfathomable thing about this is that these butt-eaters have been allowed to play 28 MNF games in the last 30 years. Banish them!