
I’m sure Jason is the one that delayed it he just passed off the article to Joshua to throw him a bone. He’s probably delayed a few more games we haven’t heard about yet they are keeping back for slow news days when he goes on leave with the new baby.

Think nothing of it. Ol’ Jason delays more games before breakfast than most studios will delay in a year. He’s the best there is at what he does and what he does is delay highly anticipated games. 

Dammit Jason you can’t keep delaying games when there’s a slow news week! It’s just not fair. 

Seems I should do just that (turn on my Xbox) although to be honest I can’t remember the last time I did so and it well could have been swapped out for a cardboard replica since then without me knowing. Wish me luck! 

I like how you think! But lets take that Jumping Flash remake and shoehorn it into VR! 

I dunno, if she was ugly it might make it a little less sad. Not completely devoid of sadness. No, it would still be a tragedy but like a just a smidge or two less sad. 

No it was Albuquerque, it was clearly that Heisenberg bastard.  

Guess the robbers really bought into the whole “Gotta Catch em All” thing. 

I’m pretty sure it’s actually a cold open for a Breaking Bad episode. Don’t worry they will show how it relates a few episodes from now. 

Has anyone checked on the alibis for Badger and/or Skinny Pete? 

Looks like her gravy train is getting ready to come to a crashing stop really soon seeing as all those high dollar “consulting” gigs she has with companies who have business in front of the House Oversight Committee her late husband was in charge of will suddenly find her consulting services no longer required. 

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Are you telling me this isn’t normal cat behavior?

Seems you might need to ride your horse to the old town vet. 

So, after Ol’ Spanfeller sent the collective staff of Splinter directions to their nearest exit door and his best wishes that it doesn’t hit them in the ass on their way out of it this week does anyone at all believe that The Root isn’t next? This probably would have been the first site on the chopping block were it

So this article is arguing that Dallas PD orchestrated the entire thing? Would that include the guy getting shot and confessing to a crime that will likely see him spend the vast majority, if not the rest of, his life in prison? Are they also time travelers that orchestrated the previous attempt on his life?

You must of missed the part where the guy wanted to get out of testifying so bad he up and took off to California and only returned when threatened with an arrest warrant. You also must not have looked too closely at his Facebook page because he was pretty much advertising his weed business on there. You probably also

It’s clear as day that this is all a big cover up. I mean clearly the police orchestrated that guy getting shot in the chest and rolling over on the other two guys. The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. The Dallas PD must be holding his family hostage is the only explanation.

If there is one thing that people on both parties can agree upon it’s the the gravy train must not be impeded. You think Biden is the only DC politician with a dipshit kid put into some job he wasn’t remotely qualified with a salary about ten times what it should be even if they were qualified?

What I heard was that the actual first place winner was Jussie Smollett for his story about getting mugged by random Trump loving racists who just happened to have bleach and a rope in Chicago after midnight during the middle of a blizzard. Second place was also Jussie Smollett for his story about being sent fake hate