
Yeah, oddly enough right around the time she was shopping her game for reviews. Sadly her boyfriend at the time didn’t buy the excuse “It’s not cheating if I’m just trying to get my game reviewed positively”

I bet somewhere ol’ Nate Grayson is covered in sweat and worriedly trying to figure out if he ever stiffed this woman on a plane ticket or didn’t pick up the tab on coffee once or maybe changed the channel to a station she didn’t like or something else to slight her because the next time she’s feeling a little

Were I Zeke Elliot I’d be looking for someone to go give James Pollard the ol’ “Nancy Kerrigan” or at the very least hope like hell the guy doesn’t have a year like James Conner had last year out of the gate. Hell, realistically they don’t even need Pollard to go out there and light the world on fire if Dak can get

Things she will run for include:

Their mistake was apologizing in the first place. The best way to deal with the internet’s outrage culture and general hierarchy of oppression is to tell them to kindly go fuck themselves with a sharp piece of rusty metal from the start. These people are bullies plain and simple and like any bully they lose any and

Eh, I could think of worse ways to program a streaming service. . . .

Wait, is there something wrong with pissing in an oven? 

That’s the future Mrs Michael Harriot in that video! 

I don’t know how well that back rubs theory of yours works for mating. I’ve tried it four times here at work and I’ve been slapped twice, removed from the building by security, and I think the police are on their way. You’ve lead me astray!

. . . . Snow, Marky Mark, and Vanilla Ice.

On the left: a handcuffed and secured suspect being arrested. On the Right: a handcuffed and secured suspect being arrested. It’s kind of hard to physically keep hold of someone when you are on horseback so they use a rope. Had they been on foot the person would have had a hold of the guy just like on the right. The

So the guy who matched the description of someone reportedly just involved in an armed robbery takes off right before the police are going to search him for weapons. Then, as he’s running he’s trying to get something out of his pants the entire time before the cops shoots him. Then as he’s being searched after being

Now playing

I’m a Latino and I can tell you that most of the people in my family and friends who also happen to be Latino find the phrase absurd to varying degrees. The vast majority of people who use it are overly woke white people and in a distant second are overly woke Latinos. Here’s a video of the typical type of people who