Ah...so he didn’t abbreviate ‘sy-STEM’. Like as in political-social patriarchal system.
Ah...so he didn’t abbreviate ‘sy-STEM’. Like as in political-social patriarchal system.
I feel like we can knock out two birds with one stone if we send Margot Robbie’s rat to space.
And it’ll make you feel better, aka the most important thing.
She sounds like the worst. I am also territorial about my food because I hate disrespectful people and it’s MY FUCKING FOOD.
And yet they cringe at the words vagina and uterus
I feel like this tacks onto your comment ppreetty nicely.
“Okay, car keys, Bible.... Wait! Can’t forget my Church Gun!” - Said no one ever
Can we please, PLEASE stop posting his picture. He does not deserve to have space in our memory.
I have had the weirdest/hardest encounters trying to convince other white people I know that 1.Bigotry and racism still exists 2.This isn’t about how you’re not racist, it’s about systematic problems and racism we ignore.
Gwendoline Christie is 6’3”?? Omgsh, as a 6” girl, we could hang out and not look weird.
Ah, that makes sense, thanks. I thought it would tug at base braids. As dumb as it sounds, this whole thing has taught me tons about different types of hair. (I mean, I sneak peaks at the salon but I don’t wanna be nosey to my friends)
Oooo I love Bendis too! I liked Millar’s Flash run, but his Civil War was just okay. I love Spiderman totally just for the reason of being able to jump into it, and not having to keep track of the whole universe too! I would recommend the Brian Azzarello’s run of Wonder Woman cuz it’s basically a self-contained…
I KNOW. “Hey guys, you know who’d make a good Sokka? The dead-eyed guy from Twilight with bronzer” MEH.
AH I love you for knowing Ultimate and trying to tackle all those issues. Miles has a great storyline once you get to it.
Last Airbender was the first movie I thought of. The acting still sucked.
What?? But Heimdall rotates between being black and white in the comics. People are so dumb.