But just think of what he can now buy with the insurance payout!
But just think of what he can now buy with the insurance payout!
This is a simple fix. Have one or two examples of a vehicle for test drives and viewing. And have a place where boomers can sit down with someone and order the vehicle the want.
Yeah. Car dealers have brought this on themselves with their hard-sell antics and refusal to change with the times.
“Finally, the automotive megaplex is dead.”
Thank fucking god.
No, it didn’t : (
I’m waiting for the inevitable $8./gallon, maybe even ten. Not looking forward to it though. Here in PA we pay roughly the same as California on average because of the state road taxes.
“Um, the US is a third world country.” ROFL! You people have really lost the plot if you think the US is a third world country. I’ll be happy to take you to an actual third world country if you’d like. The deal is that the ticket is one way and you have to give up your citizenship. PM me when your packed. I have a…
Going from “Sedona” to “Carnival” was a massive branding error, IMO. Yes, I know, it probably doesn’t effect sales that much, but it’s hard to take a vehicle called the “Carnival” seriously.
TikTok, Boomer.
Auto stop/start. From what I can tell it really doesn’t impact overall fuel economy that much and just makes for jerky starts at stoplights and stop and go traffic. It’s an automatic motion for me now to turn it off when I start the car.
Ordered, and “patiently” waiting.