
Those vehicles may sell like hotcakes, but because VW had problems; Diesel in America is almost dead. Except for the coal rollin bros.

Do you even truck Bro? No? Ok, you’re going to fail in America, Honda Ridgeline. Also the front end looks like a new Accord.

The world at large has been doing similar actions for years now with smoking. As most of the replies relate anyway. We penalize people who smoke and say ‘it’s bad for you, stop it’. If they still don’t listen, the price per pack jumps up. They are penalized for that choice.

Must. Have.

I am an auto afficianato, but this model confuses me. It’s a BMW, right?

There was a book I purchased a while back titled “convict conditioning.” This shows how you can gain strength using mainly body weight in a small physical area. Great way to learn how to work out in the office. But like someone else said, have deodorant handy.