
He can comment on the feature as presented without having to experience it firsthand. That’s called abstract thought.

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.

Luckily, you weren’t on the jury.

Newsflash: Anti-black racism is not only found in America.

She was born in England and then grew up in Florida and California, she should have some understanding of racism in America


Is that what we are calling racism now, pet issues? I guess it’s also a pet issue when the Dutch dress up as Zwarte Piet, or when some Aussies go on TV in full blackface singing songs.

It’s hard to get basically called a racist when you’re not.

Oh, fuck this woman.

This is our future, America. Unless we do eveything we can to get the republicans out of power.

Way to shit on queer kids & transfemmes for no reason.


I’ve never doodled a swastika, because why would I? This experience is not as universal as you think.

Yeah buddy! That’s the important part of this article about an alleged sexual predator/abuser; my god these terms are scary!

PS Ben is straight and cisgendered and is a motherfucking phony who trivializes queer issues for his own benefit.

How is the weather back in 1881?

Yeah, we should definitely look at one such notable instance of the statistically rare false accusation and “not rush to conclusions”, instead of looking at the COUNTLESS instances of someone with power, influence, and celebrity sexual assaulting someone and then lying about it.

Or maybe stop pretending that there’s

lol right, like most people think it’s a good idea to pose with a hate symbol

Different game, actually!