
Why does the Trump administration hate free market capitalism?

Sounds like we need some sort of site similar to Yelp but for media outlets.

He’ll get lots of free media attention as the center-right “centrist” who represents the interests of the business elite. That austerity would be terrible policy won’t matter, because it would preserve the current wealthy class and the system designed to benefit them.

Might as well be in a nice, big, comfy seat when your plane explodes.

Scott Foster anyone?

I don’t think that was a dick-size thing. I think it was specifically about Trump being prissy over people criticizing his hand size, which isn’t the actual thing he’s salty about.

Karim, this is a great piece, as always. Looking forward to your next one

Sadly, for many women, presenting themselves as bimbos has been a requirement to work in the industry. This is part of a larger picture of exploitation. Don’t blame the victims here.

All Ford did was drop the sand bags.