
One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:

It's true, it's known in the industry that the last few years he's been running the company into the ground. They've been looking for a way to get rid of him, if it was about the scandal they would have fired him in 2011.

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

Hell, y'all, all I know is that this looks WAY too close to the hospital-issue undies they gave me in the maternity ward after having my baby.

Jesus H. Chris, pluquaa. I'm just trying to decide if you were drunk when you left this comment or not drunk enough.

Misty Copeland has spoken openly about her body is considered too curvaceous and muscular by mainstream ballet standards. Different bodies build muscle and display tone differently.