Mr. Brooks

there is an Infinity in Vancouver with the plate ANBYND

This is the best one I’ve seen, and it’s not even a vanity plate.

For some reason I just heard the Green Hornet’s theme all of a sudden.

I don’t hate it. Looks like the car of a small-time drug lord in an 80's TV show.

I still want a Zimmer Quicksilver.

Who the hell mixes Tobacco into their weed? Why would one do such a thing? I’d never do that, ever. In fact, come to think of it, I’ve never ever known anyone who does that, nor have I heard of anyone doing so.

As for the difference between a joint and a blunt... according to every single pot smoker I’ve ever known in

A joint is just weed.

In Phoenix they would leave a bag of meth. No they’d leave an empty bag of meth.

Looks like a joint to me. FAKE NEWS

A blunt is a hollowed out cigar. What is pictured is just a joint.

And they have the nerve to complain about all the people moving there. Well, don’t be so awesome and make your state less pretty.

You shouldn’t be alarmed if you get it once every now and then. It’s a pretty common thing to happen, and is only something you should be “concerned” about if it’s happening every time you fly.

Well considering the majority of terrorists that have committed acts of terror in the US are white men, it’s more likely you’re name would be Steve.

White person = a few chuckles and a cursory questioning about your trip and why you have no luggage.

Brown person = Good luck not being shot.

My mother has been a constant ‘Selectee’ since as long as I can remember. She is about as radical and scary as a cheese cake. So unless you know a lot of pension aged, service driven, God fearing, former school teachers named Mohammed stuff that racist shit back up your ass and choke on it. It ain’t funny ‘Bill’.

SSSS also happens to a great number of “non-ethnic” passengers, as well. Also, strip searches are not involved. Unless you ask nicely.

But social media postings are not testimonial in any sense of the word, nor are they remotely secure. When you hand in documents to the government or you give verbal testimony, you attest to their truth and completeness. No one tells the whole or real story on social media, which is the important thing here. Not only

I plan on pirating all of human knowledge during the eclipse. Then when the world ends, I’ll have all of it and rule the world thanks to me downloading Wikipedia.