That’s DC...
That’s DC...
“I am not profiling you because of your race but simply the fact that you are speaking the language associated with that race. Wait, shit that came out wrong. I’m not profiling you because you look Mexican, only because you speak Mexican. God dammit, I’m so bad at this...”
“It has nothing to do with [racial profiling],” he responds. “It’s the fact that it has to do with [defines racial profiling].”
You sound awfully experienced. How do you feel about Ram trucks and what were you doing Thursday evening?
You always plate the vehicle you’re stealing if it doesn’t have one. If a cop gets behind you in traffic and you look legit, you’re not in danger. If you’ve got no plate, you’re running or getting pulled over. Also, you steal a bunch of plates beforehand so you have plenty.
“Endangered everyone’s lives”
Being drunk/high is a fair thing to complain about, but sounds like Ms. Gorman is the type of person that wants to “speak to your manager” when you tell her there’s no sales going on.
To the man’s house who does...
Racism exists because of people like you! Not everyone who is white is rich or payed more then they’re worth just like not every black person is lazy or eats watermelon. Not every Asian is good at math or bad at driving. Stereotypes breed hate & racist thinking so why don’t you just do the world a favor & keep your…
Well it’s white, so it will obviously generate far more income than it’s worth.
Deep down everyone has something to say about someone who is different than themselves. The shit “ they” do? I’m sorry you have only known racist white folks. I wasn’t raised to hate. Brochu disgusts me. She should have gotten jail time, no matter whom she did this to. She shouldn’t be allowed in any college dorm. She…
My first impulse when I read this story is that this white girl was mad that a black girl was so much prettier than she was.
That’s awful. I’m not seeing an email here but you could send this to the Jezebel tip email and ask them to forward.
Well that’s mighty white of them to let her off the hook so easily.
A “Louisville Slugger” to her body repeatedly should get that across to her.
People need to stop that shit! These motherfuckers don’t even bother to do a proper apology, they never make amends but simple fuckers go on forgiving them so these assholes can go on to do this shit to someone else.
We’re going to get enough of forgiving these monsters. We ain’t gotta “go high” every fucking time. Facing the consequences and being confronted by the unabashed anger and pain your actions have caused is always the best formula for reforming a person.
“second chance, I hope she will change her ways.”
Racist white people will never not be unattractive as all hell. Like, being white gives you a short shelf life aesthetically as it is. Don’t expedite the process by being a racist bitch.