
Hey idiots, you know what else is causing people to buy less computers?

If you find me any real research that supports a number anywhere close to 50% rate of substitution, I will eat a beret.

I wonder if Greenpeace will ever get it through their head that manufacturing renewable energy instruments such as solar panels and wind turbines costs money and resources.

Now playing

Because we just need to see Darth Vadar, Rorschach, and King Kong doing the Thriller Dance one more time.

I'm still waiting for the speakers that pack a dedicated audio sound card to pump up the quality of .mp3 files. My computer already has dedicated soundware, why can't my speakers?

Y'know I've found that running 3 miles, 3 days per week hasn't failed me yet.

That's an awesome ability for a companion to have.

B-b-b-b-but video games are only supposed to cause violence, Columbine-rampages, and anti-social behavior...

Internet Explorer was never really a bad browser. It was just never the browser of choice among the tech-enthusiast population, which gave it a lot of bad press, combined with most XP + IE6 users not being completely tech-literate.