
The minigun fires rifle rounds, such as the 7.62 NATO used by sniper rifles and marksman rifles (and hunting rifles, if you're a civilian). A chain gun has only one barrel. And the modern day gatling gun fires 20mm or 25mm shells.

You should do the research, dear sir. Smaller rounds do not necessarily mean less killing power in a CQB battle. The MP7 was designed to be very effective at penetrating body armor at under 100 meters when pistols didn't pack enough punch and using a full size assault rifle with full size rounds would not be mobile

I'm not so sure you know what you're talking about. The SCAR-H is a full size assault rifle firing 7.62 NATO. The MP7 is a close-quarters weapons firing PDW ammunition that is very effective at ranges under 100 meters.

Yup, and the SAS did it in the Iranian embassy siege. THis is nothing new.

I have to call BS on being able to decrypt 256-bit AES encryption.

I mean, it is true that man will pay the price for his pride. It's not like you can get gadgets for free y'know.

Here's one that I particularly enjoyed last year.

Ramirez! Call in an AC-130 strike on the loyalist ground forces!

It's not that the single player was too short on Homefront. Granted it was a bit on the short side, but the biggest gripe was the quality of the writing.


Um....I dunno what PC game you're playing but the last time I installed a game on Steam it went like this:

Yo dawg, I herd u liek jokes, so I put a joke in your joke...

Would he be willing to trade, all of his Linux, and all of his FreeBSD, for one chance, JUST ONE CHANCE, to come on the internet, and tell Sony, that they can take his life, but they will never take, his, FREEDOM!

First of all, why are "will" and "use" capitalized?

I think you should include with this statistic that almost 100% of cell phones are replaced every 24 months because most carriers give you a free new phone after 2 years.

Because Gizmodo is just using a stock photograph of some of the things people have hacked Kinect to do.

Who knew walking in a straight line and watching cutscenes could do so much damage.