Tanim Islam

Looks like we cast the wrong actor as Heisenberg!

I first heard of William Onyeabor on a CBC retrospective last year. I like “Fantastic Man”

9 thumbs up??!! What the hell is that??!!

The Hogan Family?

I'm not sure that's a good idea. The Lucas Brothers tried a reunion in Sister Sister Sister, and that led to the evil third sister causing all sorts of problems.

What about Caltech?

I hope his voice becomes my Waze navigator.

You all should read Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang. The aliens' perception of reality is physically equivalent to our own — their understanding of reality is such that they think in terms of path optimization instead of ordinary differential equations (how something changes depends on its current state).

Oompa Loompas versus native Americans? Red versus orange?

We would also accept, "Must See Thursday."

“days of yore” (a.k.a. February 2015)

I thought CBS already rebooted the honeymooners. It was called "The King of Queens." It ran from 1999 to 2008.

Are their leavings on ratemypoo.com? Pics or it didn't happen!

To nitpick: the gingerprise is a Gingerbread representation of the crashed Enterprise NCC-1701 in Star Trek: Beyond. The YouTube images show the crashed NCC-1701D in Star Trek: Generations; there, its saucer section slid like a saucer across the forest.

Shouldn't this be filed under "Great Job, Internet!"

I believe it was Woodstocks

Axl Rose should ask Rick Santorum, on how successful he has been in getting the internet to stop spreading Santorum