
That happens when you watch only the thumbnails, try clicking on the "latest" section on the left and you'll get a Reader-like scrolling format, if you're on a Mac, the gray menu is retractable.

Is referencing new Ipads and Iphones a new feature or is it something that wasn't going to happen? ;)

Feedly does exactly what you want and looks way better than the new Google Reader, you should probably check on the new settings.

How many few days exactly? I don't wanna be mean but with Facebook it would have taken hours probably...

Is half humanity that should work on kill these assholes... People working on this should be exterminated, period. AIDS, Swine Flu, you name it.

Are you trying to make geeks here to google Zac Efron and feel bad about themselves?

Wow, they should stop already with all these stupid acquisitions... MS certainly doesn't have an eye for investments.

why just not release a Chrome version with all this integrated... makes a LOT more sense than just a Search App... down with safari...

Please, fix the log in settings for commenting, it's annoying to authorize the site (Facebook or Twitter) you use to login here E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E. I don't know what happens but it logs out all the time, and mostly if you read other blogs form the same family... Thanks!

instead of developing a solution for their crazy birth rate...

The most important part is: Can it run Crysis?

If it's any like the new Google Reader... no thanks... Google Reader, sight.

Apple's response: Ipad 2 16GB $299

Image above (ipad with an Xbox controller having "sex")... Wii U

Until everyone around you starts hanging out with their "small computer monitor" and you keep going blind with an iphone 3.5' screen..

ipad + xbox360? isn't that how the next Nintendo abomination was designed?

Now there's no one to yell at everyone at Apple's headquarters the way to get things done.

True Blood