
It is actually and Windows 7 is a great OS, fastest and consistent applied to productivity that MS ever created, except for a few flaws but the improvements on its looks we owe it to Apple. Apple always working on designs and UIs pushed the whole tech world to provide better looks on hardwares and softwares.

Yeah, but MacOs, especially Lion got to a visual maturity level and design consistency that I dont think Microsoft will never get to.

Really?? I just can't wait for the next generation of Macbook Pros with slicker design, even when I'm way less productive with a Mac I just can't stand anymore the windows classic look and it stills there right in Windows 8, with its transparency, God knows I'm right.

Well, the fact that terrestrial creatures need oxygen to live, or most of them, doesn't mean that all creatures in this universe do.


You mean, the red thing, or the whole construction?

Shouldn't the government operate in secret ways in order to protect national security?

Area 51 is a military base, and a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base. It is located in the southern portion of Nevada in the western United States, 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of downtown Las Vegas. Situated at its center, on the southern shore of Groom Lake, is a large military airfield. The base's

I don't really think in the last centuries we've made contact with any ET life at all.

hipster table is hipster


think about how much time, money, effort and well being you spend every time you get the flu....

....FDA procedures... as if it ever will.

or it's been a slowwww day, fellas

For those who ask, yessss, it's tech related, the fact that he kept all these bodies from rotting while dressing them like dolls is as amazing as how Siri recognizes human voices an interpret orders or something..

It's not completed yet, and it's not a horror, actually it's pretty cool... This is what it's supposed to look like, and from the pics on the article you'd realized it's not completed.

So by today's announced discoveries, I'm gonna be the eternally young and blue eyed guy I always wanted to be, now just an advance on height improvement research and move away Brad Pitt.

During my stay I actually saw people logging back after aprox a year and their account was untouched, God is there any way to take everything down...?