
Yep in CA cops can pull up insurance on their systems. Haven’t been asked for my proof of insurance for almost 10 years ( I have a modded camaro and am brown so I get pulled over a lot!). You don't even have to have proof of insurance in your car any more.

Nothin. There is not a single thing Russia can do since they do depend on arms sales to China. Its similar to how GE builds jet engines in China knowing full well that the Chinese will knock them off or steal tech.

There is a toilet.

You are technically correct but remember that the SU-35’s are fully operational and battle ready. The First batch of F-35 are a part of US Concurrency where by the battle readyness is tested AFTER purchase before qualification. The F-35 is totally not battle ready and can’t even fire its guns. In fact the Navy just

Thank you so much for ruining my night after I look up George Carlin on youtube. Would it have killed you to make the comment tomorrow morning when I would have been at work unable to stream this guy.

Thats not true at all. Some of our other rockets can carry payload similar to the Shuttle. Russia also has many modules all of which were launched conventionally.

I got a 1995 celica with 65K miles for less than 3K... Just my 2cents.

I was simply comparing how we are worried about Iran which has been “2 years” away from a nuclear weapon for almost 2 years, But at the same time we totally ignore that Pakistan has about 120 warheads (according to wikipedia), a barely functional government and a national policy of supporting any islamic terror

They are flying mostly because of a lack of replacement. But Its still amazing that they are still flying.

Pakistan does have tactical nukes.

Pakistan not only has nuclear technology they have weapons that they haphazardly display in their parades.

Hmm. In that case you should definitely go to Tennessee which is about 80% white.. Oh never mind the Violent crime rate in TN is much worst than CA.

I know a lot of us laugh about the russians and their ladas and their driving habits BUT they do know know how to build fighters. Many of the Mig-21’s built in the 50’s are still flying today.

How about a Chinese car thats built by a US manufacturer? Basically would you drive an Accord thats made in China. I personally feel like lots of open don’t really know where their cars are made. For example many people assume that the Camry is made in Japan but are actually made in in Kentucky. The ford Fusion for

That is he world’s weirdest looking macbook air.

That is he world’s weirdest looking macbook air.

Because California. (Bay Area specifically)

Lots of us had those posters in our rooms and eventually bought our dream cars through hard work.. Thus guy?.. Probably not.

From those only the US, The British, France, Russia and India have bad functional carrier air wings for the past 50 years. Its a whole different ball game and the Chinese are going to take a LONG time to learn how to operate a carrier, logistics and even where and when to send a carrier.

Modern rockets are pretty damn fast. Saturn V travelled at 25,000MPH. The Atlas V hits almost 36,000MPH.

I think the Quantity vs quality was the old Russian way. After persistent budget cuts and a bad economy the russian military is barely clinging on. Badly trained with a lot of shortages For example even though the SU-30 is formidable Russia has less than 75 of them with barely any money to buy more.