I believe that comparison applies to the F-35 (so the naysayers say) But the F-22 is still the top dog in every single way.
I believe that comparison applies to the F-35 (so the naysayers say) But the F-22 is still the top dog in every single way.
The California 2500 + the federal 7500 got the price of my Volt from a unpalatable 40K to a much more palatable 30K so it was a Huge factor in my decision to buy the car. I would think I am the typical Alt fuel car buyer. 39K isn’t too bad for me at all and is easily affordable (also I did buy not the car to save on…
Oh It will still cost 8 to 9 figures. Senator’s pays depend on it.
I think it make sense. ANA is a good example. the 787 lets ANA fly Narita to San Jose (a local bay area airport) 6 times a week. (even with flights not full) which is the future. Frequent flights to final locations. the whole Hub and spoke model is certainly dying. Less and less people I know prefer to fly a non…
depends on the airline. ANA for example has a 2-4-2 layout on their 787’s compared top United which has a 3-3-3 layout. Ana has a lot more space.
Just FYI Deodorant and Anti perspirant are wild different. (Although an anti-perspirant usually has deodorant) maybe classifying them would help?
Just FYI Deodorant and Anti perspirant are wild different. (Although an anti-perspirant usually has deodorant) maybe…
Pooping is awkward and messy even with gravity which makes sure that the poop falls away from your tush. I can only imagine that Pooping in space is worst.
There is a camera but remember the marines already have practice landing planes like the Harrier that has no look down capability. Thus its actually not that important to actually be able to look down when you land.
The whole thing about “Only apple can fix your stuff” is industry wide. Theres almost nothing in the new Dell 13inch ultra books that you can fix. The same goes for most phones. So you argument is totally invalid. Besides that there is a HUGE cottage industry of places that will repair your mac (from small stores to…
The problem with your strategy is that you could be the guy that shot this kid. Basically you are defending the guy that brought the guy to this transaction.
Why the snark? Im used to online trolls but your response to Ferg mentioning that his mom was on the flight is totally unwarranted.
Actually hipsters in CA have a lot of money but they spend it all on rent.
I personally think this whole "We are dependent on China" is over blown. The way I see it is China is the Japan of 1980's. American companies are truly ruthless. If Walmart can manufacture stuff for 20 cents cheaper in Africa they will. Back in the 1970's we all thought that Japan was the "it place" and everything we…
Its actually common in Cali. Here in Nor Cal you can be arrested for attending a "sideshow"
Whatever happened to JuiceTank? Did they ever ship?
I would say Korea is a bit different. Their designs are inspired more than anything else. (most of their stuff is designed in the US), But there is usually no blatant copying not to mention the Koreans are very sensitive to the accusation of copying. The Chinese seem to not care. They are happy driving a car that…
One word complexity. The US military LOVES complexity. Give the choose between a simple thing and a complex one the USN will always pick the most complicated item. Simple comparisons like M-16 vs the AK-47 or the Abraham's vs T-90, MI-18 vs the Chinook etc. The Russians, Indian and Chinese all come from the same…
Sometimes I really wonder why no other country just copies like China does. But I remember that In most countries if you fly something that is a copy it is simply unacceptable. Even if India builds a F35 copy that is actually better than the real one no one in India's defense will buy now simply cause its a copy. For…
Russia is never going to be an F-35 operator but Russia and China ar'nt exactly buddy buddy. Because of China blatantly copying a lot of russian tech russia is extremely weary of selling to them,
I had one is that exact color. and it really was a good driving car. however as one of the first few Japanese cars that were made in the United States (in Flatrock michigan no less) It was just as reliable as any ford. Which is to say not very. Good strong engine(3.5 v6) but had tons of vacuum leaks and overheating…