
All this is really cool. But it really feels like an implementation of what Mailbox does. I wonder what the folks at mailbox think about this?

Ya know the safest part for us americans... You're little pic has the "Faster than 67% of BG) Meaning your uber fast net isn't even fastest"

Personally with newer cars the electronics fails LONG before the engine does. Stuff like power windows switches will fail long before the power window itself. But a failed switch makes power windows useless :-(

I don't think you can counter paul's point. The plane pictured Does have the president on it so it IS the air force one. You can't just change the name of a plane in a photo because the actual president is on a different plane. For that You wold have to have special technology that changes the captions on all photos

Come on man. Are you really going to try and sell that crap on a Car website? We know that Pontiac Vibe and the Toyota Matrix is the same car because you can actually interchange parts . (same with the Mazda MX-6 and the Ford probe which look radically different but are built on the exact same platform). Its very

Yea. Its not so simple. The current 737-max isn't just "a 707 with new wings". Technically every new place is a "707 with new wings". Just cause a 60's mustang sort of looks like the 2015 mustang and is made of "steel" does not mean they share any similarity at all. Not a single part from the 707 can be used on a 737

Actually its more to sell you a "My Link" radio thats $1000 extra. Typical automaker crap. Make you buy one model up to get the features you need

Forget about this being a mosque or the fact that its in turkey. The Blue mosque was build in 1609 and is an architectural masterpiece. Just look at it.... Over 400 years old!

You know how it is... You start clicking through and next thing you know its 2013!

I know a mechanic that can do a D check. He even has hookup's at the FAA (Falujha Agency for Allueop)

Honestly I am such a cautious buyer (last time I financed something I got my laptop with excel loaded) that I find it hard to believe that the customer knows nothing. Do people not read what they are signing. The purchase and finance statement usually comes from the bank and its really complex but its readable and

I wouldn't worry. China has the same issue. In their case its loans for homes in the middle of the desert. (and yes sometimes in the Desert of america... Vegas)

Low interest rate won't make up for being on a loan for 3 years longer than 5 years. You would need your interest to be cut in half for you to see that savings.

I really don't understand why people think 100* 6months (= 600) is considered worst than 80 * 12months (= 960). Can people not do simple calculation to figure out how much they will be paying at the end. Hell there are sites like bank rate that will do the calculations for you.

FYI its 10 year powertrain warranty. Usually its your power door lock that will fail and cost your first born's arm to replace long before the engine fails.

A few days back I saw someone in a fancy merc that was essentially sleeping at the wheel. The car just keeps moving forward and slowing down and stopping on its own. It was freaking cool. I however did honk and wake him up.

I think it was actually pretty quick. Its hard to do an instant reaction since you rate in an intersection and need to make sure stuff is clear.

Just as a perspective. These engines are pretty big. in fact the 777's huge engines are almost as big a a standard 737.

Business or first on smaller planes are no respite from Kids. If anything you are closer to the screaming since families with babies tend to sit up ahead close to you. Bose noise canceling headphones alone with ear plugs work great :-D

Ditto I have one and I have NEVER even been stopped. Best of all if someone does question me I can point to the flight crew which always have the same suitcase.

Ditto I have one and I have NEVER even been stopped. Best of all if someone does question me I can point to the