probably not celiac disease but might be gluten allergic. Same as me. I can eat a sandwich. Or one slice of pizza a day. Any more and its diarrhea city for me.
probably not celiac disease but might be gluten allergic. Same as me. I can eat a sandwich. Or one slice of pizza a day. Any more and its diarrhea city for me.
Technically it would have been completely ok to shoot the guy so Mr Robber is lucky. (this is texas after all)
Same happened to me. I had a super sweet Brand new 2012 Camaro loaded with every option. (except the shush box) was carjacked at gun point (was a fake gun I was to find out later), the guys had me on the pavement. got into the car tried to start it. idiots coulldnt even figure out how to start it LOL!!! Hilarious. Got…
Make a sex tape!
Europe is a bit different. Because of the Chip system credit card fraud is a bit harder. You can't skim a card for example. and many european cards (debit and credit) are chip and Pin only even a stolen card won't do anything.
I didn't know that you can repair damage to a wing on the spot? How do you repair a composite wing anyways?
You realize 120 billion is close to nothing? Its like .85% of the economy. Less than Revenues of a fairly typical largish US company (Apple). Also you really do not understand what Foreign Remittences mean. If I earn my money I am free to do with it what I want. Maybe you want to buy Confederate flags and I want to…
This is pretty late but I think some explanation is in Order. In India the RED, White and Green colored dots have a specific meaning. They mean "Stop(red)" "Look(WHite)" then "GO". They are the equivalent of a large RED stop sign prevalent here in the US. You will see the same Three colored dots or sometimes the words…
Try the one in the Chevrolet Volt. While on normal driving mode the Volt drives like a fully loaded Caravan towing the USS Eisenhower. Once you put on the sport mode it actually gets quite a lot preppier. Of course cause it is electrically driven you actually feel the difference.
So you have babies in your fat?
I wonder why they can't simply have a small badge and charge less. I mean look at the badge. Its like 2 lbs of unubtanium.
Your idea is fantastic but I can guarantee you that blood thirsty airlines will charge you some crazy like 50 bucks for "privilege" of sitting reasonably comfortably.
If you have iOS just go to Background App refresh and turn them off for all apps that you don't need. Thats it.
I was not paying attention they were talking about a bunch os stuff . Only after I saw the work order did I noticed tat I had a 30K engine cleaning on my car. Dam blood leachers. They have also tried to charge me tire rotation for my camaro which has directional tires that cannot be rotated I noticed but how many did…
BTW I was also previously given a "Free" tire rotation on my Camaro with Unidirectional Tires (can't rotate them)
After being charged $150 to perform an 30,000 mile engine cleaning on my Chevy Volt with 4000 miles on the gas engine I no longer have any sympathy.
Technically this is a manual transmission. There's just one gear. Why change gears when you are always in the power band.
Only if you pledge to work for a whole year for a bag of potato ..... Chips