
Here's a thought. Everybody who gets associated with Erica happen to get some sort of infection and eventually die (Phil 2.0 and perhaps Mike). Something fishy mate…

Who else was bawling in the letter burial scene

This group has very little patience with any living creatures they find. Crickets: Eat. Bull: Eat

btw what happened to the cow?

Finally we're getting to see a teensy weensy bit more depth in the other characters. Finally there's somebody in the group other than Carol who's warming up to Phil/Tandy. Coming to all the bacon aftermath trash, Phil could'd just dumped it in the ocean!

Right at this point that cheese seems way more worth than their friendship.

I'm guessing Todd's mysterious rendezvous have something to do with a possible impartial observer :D

Those 20 mins of a Last Man on Earth episode are the highlight of my day! This series somehow manages to exude a luxurious laziness upon its audience what with all the free time, space and free resources at the characters' disposal. C to the T was the complete opposite of course where we were forced to feel the