
It wasn’t you. That press release has some of the worst math-related writing I’ve ever seen.

The Bolt looks like a normal hatchback. I don’t think the Fit is fugly, and the Bolt looks better than a Fit.

{ visibly salivating }

I think this sounds odd because we’re used to guys not giving AF about anyone. I’ve walked around with kleenex, tampons, a small first aid and sewing kit since I was a teen and no one has ever found it weird.

Extreme cars are not succeeded by moderate ones!

my time to shine!!! I worked for *INSERT OEM HERE* as a release engineer for weatherstrips, and DLO’s those chrome strips around the windows are not so easy to change color, they aren’t like a bumper, or insert on the side of the car. they are almost always stainless steel or aluminum usually stretch-bent or stamped.

Horses are often executed over broken legs because when they break, they break big. Think about how the animal looks; fat body, skinny legs. The legs are pretty much at 100 percent capacity when they’re healthy.


There’s a new documentary film (2016) about Kim on Netflix. I came away thinking that he was a little bit of a reformer, but really the only tangible evidence of that is that he’s had the old guard sysystematically killed.

It’s like how people outside the retail industry aren’t used to the abbreviation for “point-of-sale” as a term for the software. So when my last job had software called “XtremePOS”...

Gonna have to revoke your Jalop Card, Máté. We LOVE bad decisions.

Senna does so much stuff that would cause an HPDE instructor to pop a vein, and yet he is faster and smoother than anyone.

Following Enzo’s belief that all that aero was just an excuse by the English for not knowing how to build engines, the new Alfa prototype was drawn up this morning for competition beginning the 2018 season:


Too bad they didn’t continue that parallel and make it a liftback, or I might buy one.

But I fixed it now.

It means they drove them, took them apart, and examined all parts very closely.

Can’t we have any fun around here?

This is a good review.

Everyone knows you should never disturb a Mitsubishi cocoon... How dare they do this before it could undergo its final Evolution