
This is absurdly hyperbolic and stupid.

Well, I can get all my work done in much less than 40 hours a week... but they still make me work the whole 40, lol

I don’t recall sexual harassment being the justification for firing Damore. What I do recall is seeing Chevalier’s comments on internal message boards on many occasions and they were not always appropriate.

Seriously I run from these conversations

“White boys (not only white boys, but especially) are taught not just that they’re entitled to a perfect female partner/servant in the way Bancroft describes, but also that they’re entitled to high status because of their maleness and whiteness; that being white and male are precious gifts that no one can ever take

And this is why I only need to work 20-30h per week to get the same amount of work done as many do in 40-60. I don’t spend hours on discussing private stuff...

Yeah, I don’t get this at all.

So Google employees have an HR monitored internal message board that they can use freely on company time instead of, you know, working?

But he’s a bad perrrrrrssssoooooonnnnn and I’m a vicccccttttiiiiiimmmm

And this is why people were fools for not defending Damore, even if they disagreed with him. Expressing opinions that someone will take offense to, will now get you fired. And there is always someone there to take offense.

Painfully true. I'm in medical school, and was discussing my fourth year course plan with my adviser earlier this week. I planned to do an away rotation for a month in Fall, followed by a rotation block off to go to interviews and visit my family. My adviser said, I quote, "Oh no, but that won't be okay with your

Wait, with your words. What I said was that HUGO is making this statement. See, what Hugo did is he read this research but thought that it put all of the onus on the women to improve the situation somehow. He compares it to telling women to dress modestly to avoid street harassment and to not drink to avoid rape - as

You do realize that prior to a few decades ago, women were seen as an accessory to a man's life, right?

I was a wreck before I got married, but I was also in love and kinda naive. I think if I hadn't been those things, I would have remained single.

I'm in a relationship, but not married. I own a townhouse, in which my boyfriend and I live. His company is asking him to move to a city seven hours away. He doesn't really want to go, but is tempted by the money.

I seem to have to repeat myself a lot, so copy and paste: "I'm saying the number of barriers and the amount of pressure to put women in their place makes it less of a choice and more of a loaded issue."

Everyone needs to have a paying job of some kind in this country. Don't believe me? Calculate your survivor benefits as a life-long stay at home mother from Social Security. Staying at home while you're young means living in poverty when you're old.

Agreed! Short of a handful of overacheiver valedictorian types, I would say that 85% -90% of my women friends prioritized relationships in their youth (myself included), often moving to other states, turning down job options and making risky choices. No one is realistically "waiting it out". Childbearing is the only

Men have an obligation to be better "boyfriend material", and this obligation is somehow comparable to their obligation to not rape anybody.

Hugo feels men should be more considerate and fairminded. I might have also seen something in there about wishing water were less wet.