@Squalor: The droid 2 is too early to worry about I'd guess.
@Squalor: The droid 2 is too early to worry about I'd guess.
@Lord_Data ∞: How long before the jealous looks turn into giggles as you rip your essay to shreds?
Schubert is t-mobile's WP7 launch device. Rumored launch is 11/17.
@MaxPoint: It's the US launch.
@Mex: Odds are it's not a final design. Leaked prototype phones, especially this far out, have a tenancy to mismatch.
@KaosTheoryx: Thats what the N1 was.
@Sagan Is My Master: VZW has had more than a few world phones in the past, it's just their first android one.
@Aipaloovik: Thats neither here nor there.
So we don't know where he is going yet either?
@RoboticSpacePenguin: I don't understand your question in the first place.
@mindblaster: Games aren't really the reason for jailbreaking anymore.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: Jailbreaking it?
@mtl171: They have it. It's called androidlock
@Ron Goodrich: I've never had any problem with it but I have heard that complaint with 4.0 jailbreaks.
@xXZEBRAXx: Maybe try reading the article.
@Benjamin Miranda Arcos: No they didn't.
@chickdigger802: Not really.
@Eagle2083: How would that make it unethical?
@senseistudios: Did you really just say "more magical" with a straight face?
@BigManMalone: How about, "that's just not true."