
@Aipaloovik: How about we just agree that neither extreme is 100% correct.

@blehbleh13: They've been sorted out from what I've seen.

@VoltCruelerz: Or use of of the jailbreak apps that allows you to change the lockscreen info to add "if lost" info.

@Dr. What?: I find all of that hilarious personally.

@kd0h: I still think its funny that everyone applauded apple for leaving that off the first time yet now everyone wants it.

@LTMP: More of a chore than it is post jailbreak.

@Misfit110: They don't but they're Garmin branded.

Not having dual monitors I don't really get the first one.

@You're Banned: It probably also helps that scale wise he is hitting the proverbial broad side of a barn.