@Kayno: Doubtful.
@Kayno: Doubtful.
@whatne1wuddo: It's probably going to be a touchpad or a mouse.
@reki_18: Except MS hardware is their mouse and keyboard division.
Its MS's answer to the Magic mouse.
@bojangles103: Thanks, I'll check it out.
@Jackson Marketon: So wait your argument against turn by turn is that you're so awesome you can read a map?
@Zkdog: And being the south Applebee's is considered fine dining.
@bazookafox: Drive to Charleston.
@wk1234: It doesn't do turn by turn. At least not how most people use the term. Turn by turn is when it says "turn here" and you turn.
@EnigmaticChemist: Really?
@Dr-Rockso: VZW apparently pulled it after they didn't like how it tested.
@sirmeili: You just learn to read between the lines when dealing with Gizmodo articles.
@Zonky: I wouldn't doubt it.
@Parker Ciambrone: WP7 isn't out and zune isn't a phone.
@TiLoBrown: Does your zune make phone calls?
@sirmeili: Its not tied to iTunes.
@budice4ever: It isn't iTunes specific.
@MichaelEllis123: Nope.
@Annalee Newitz: I don't think you can read anything into it at all.