@Annalee Newitz: I'd imagine that it's skewed by people just clicking the first option to see the results.
@Annalee Newitz: I'd imagine that it's skewed by people just clicking the first option to see the results.
@Facebook: All you'd need is two strips of metal pointing out.
@Curtis Hoffman: You got disemvolved.
@Facebook: Put a battery contact on the front.
@Norbs: Huh. Thanks.
@jdale: Ah.
@Norbs: Really?
@FriarNurgle: Would that even make a difference?
@Arken: A. I question how often that really works for you. One of my friends does that every single time we go someplace new and 9 out of 10 times the server just looks at you and says "I don't eat here." Sure he's thrilled the one time out of ten he gets a good recommendation but you could easily remove the other 9…
@N1ro: Which is still what this would give you.
@Arken: By far.
@Arken: I don't know about that.
@SewerShark: Which you'd have if you used this rig...
@FiskFisk33: Couldn't they just add it to the metadata on the picture.
@Time Pilot AKA: I wouldn't think that it would be much of a hardware issue at this point.
@Emeka: Ah. Figured there was a reason it hadn't been done yet.
@GreasyPig: For that matter why do it with waste water in the first place?
@4nth0ny: That used to happen a lot when the first jailbreak was web based.
@geekymitch: Its getting slammed right now.