Mister Dial

This article seems like a 2000 word excuse to bash the National Review.


One of the best movies at SIFF (and not just because it's set in Seattle.) I got lost in the timeline a little, but everything works. A movie that rewards you for the journey with great characters and powerful reveals. See it!

The movie is essentially "Seinfeld with Abortion." The comedy bits make you cringe (in a good way) and the romance scenes are fun (I haven't stopped listening to "Obvious Child" by Paul Simon since I saw this thanks to a drunken dance scene.) Everything seemed a little too…easy or convenient for me. Which may have

This was the first film I walked out of at SIFF. A long miserable experience of unnecessary length and missed opportunities. No tension, no fear, just useless.

I just saw this movie two weeks ago at the Seattle International Film Festival. Skip it.