
Ah, you included trying to invalidate someone who is trying to tell you that a white British man comparing a Chinese woman to a baboon and giving unwanted advice about her sex life is gross. You're good at this~

You include back-pedalling in your trolling too? Nice try~

Ah, a racist and misogynist troll too?

Hmm, strangely fixated on what gender other posters are . . . Very telling.

I got it from the way you try to dismiss women calling out sexism and misogyny in media. :)

Good luck with trying to excuse casual misogyny and racism.

But did Season 2 call him out on it? Very briefly, in Episode of Season 3. The narrative does not call him out on it the way that Season 1 did. And that's what bugs us in the Joan Watson deserves better tags.

Because it's not ok to perpetuate stereotypes on tv? Because which woman wants to be compared to a baboon with inflated genitals? For a dude who was sensitive towards rape victims and victims of abuse in Season One, Sherlock's misogyny didn't decrease across Season 2 and 3.

Agreed—especially the point about not developing characters with potential before throwing in new ones. Like Marcus and Andre Bell. Like Ms Hudson. Like Alfredo. Like Carrie Dwyer. (Like Joan Watson.) It feels disjointed and we get all 45 seconds of Ms Hudson and whoa, Gregson's daughter is a police officer? Whatever

^All of this~

Because comparing a WoC to a baboon is gross? Because hypersexualisation of a WoC is racist?

. . . The Joan Watson deserves better tag is all about how her character is not explored and to paraphrase someone else, how she is the plate on which everything Sherlock is about is served on and basically taken for granted. There was that *one* person who tried to make Mycroft-hate about Ifans' appearance—it was