why does every1 here hate on justin beiba? <3 hes my future husband and 4 those of u who hate u will never experience tru love... <3 beliebers over the world UNITE! hes so qt luk at him omg how cud u ever h8 a boi like that? BELIBER 4 EVA 111
why does every1 here hate on justin beiba? <3 hes my future husband and 4 those of u who hate u will never experience tru love... <3 beliebers over the world UNITE! hes so qt luk at him omg how cud u ever h8 a boi like that? BELIBER 4 EVA 111
This could be us but you playing.
I think, given the choice between that and the spider pizza, I'd choose spider pizza. The taste of spider on cheese and tomato might actually be quite nutritious. It might even be crunchy. :)
:D :D :D
I'll check out those sites, thanks :) Are they more targeted at Christians, though, rather than people considering the faith?
Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll give that a look :)
If only I were 12 again... *totallydidnthaveagiantLOTRposterinmyroom*
How do people actually know they slept together, though? Could just be the Beebs talking shit. Wouldn't be the first time either.
Word. How can some adults be so socially inept and emotionally stunted?
Yes, probably. It's like some weird cult with all their code words like "negging" and whatnot. And weirdos like Mystery and Neil Strauss are the leaders.
Exactly! It's not rocket science. Anyone with (1) basic social skills and common sense who (2) sees women as people and respects them will know what to do.
I have a feeling, though, that the sort of guys who PUA don't respect women. They can't take nos. They can't take risking rejection, so they look for a short-cut: a…
Yeah. I've been sexually harassed a fair few times by blue-collar guys in my area, but they don't really seem too "into" the PUA stuff.
There's a British forum I frequent called The Student Room that is rife with wannabe PUAs. As you might expect, it's full of nerdy, geeky types who try to turn basic human social…
Right back atcha! :D
Parrots and unicorns? Why not? :D
That's interesting, I didn't know that Catholics didn't read the Bible literally :)
Out of interest, then, how do you guys interpret it? Interpretation is quite subjective - is it left up to the individual Catholic, or do you rely on what a church leader says?
Aww, that's such a cute kitten! :D Thank you!
What do you mean by throwing a lace tablecloth over bad behaviour, btw? :)