Tamora Pierce

Actually, the brave decision is making her come from New Jersey.

Oh. ::blush::

I addressed only two two comments in a manner that could be regarded as dealing with sexism. The second was in answer to a post about getting rid of two highly regarded female writers because the male poster doesn't like them, in a time when comics sales are down because the majority of the comics audience is female,

I asked a question. When I fight, you'll know it. Were you invited to answer in his place?


How much jackassery do you want to put up with, either sex, before your brain just goes sploosh? How about some clean and simple storytelling for everyone? Or is that, like, letting someone else win? I mean, really, which is more important, good stories/characters or winning? And if you say "winning," perhaps you

Then that's your own taste, and not the creator's craft. That's the thing about actual criticism.

But if you don't look for yourself, you can't judge for yourself (says one of the writers of the Red Sonja special in November).

Thank you. It's amazing how creators turn out not to be "any good any more" when people start to call them "great" .

And if women feel they are relevant?

OK, we'll try it this way—what women *do*you like?

And this comment is supposed to make us happier and more inclined to listen to you, how?