
Somehow, it all comes back to Norris... not totally unexpected, and it would of made a hell of a lot more sense.

Cousteau was "The Man"....My childhood was punctuated with his visionary drive and amazing exploits. Let's hope the Cousteau Society can continue to promote his legacy. His son is an equally driven oceanographer...

@tamoko: Of course we"ll probably do ourselves in long be for an asteroid has the chance to wipe us out.

Well, I guess we'd better start seriously looking for methods for diverting a "Planet Killer". Personally I like the bumble bee mirrors concept, but of course none of this really matters if you don't have years warning to prepare....

@aec007: Me too.... I'm compelled to find the show on DVD and watch them all over again, and to read both these books.

@GusF: Gus, I had forgotten about that portion of the episode, thanks for the post.

Interesting... but the North Koreans can barely feed themselves, much less control large swaths of the western US. Hawaii, perhaps... I'd be more concerned with internal fragmentation then external invasion after the three sucker punches of Peak Oil, economic collapse and a EMP pulse. Kind of remind me of Cameron's

@prolificliving: Agreed, I've seemed to swing over the years, meeting the needs of school or a job. I currently stay up very late doing course work for grad school, but I'd much rather be going to bed at 10 and getting up at 5 get a jump on the day and get centered...

@taz20075: Good idea. I wish I worker remotely, like many of my coworkers... it would be easier to remain the radar.

@sdn: Yeah. My girlfriend and I are planning to take a week in July to go to Spokane and Portland, and I'm dreading the day I return to work.

I don't feel "guilty", but I am definetely always aware of the exponentially growing inbox and piles of work that are popping up like mushrooms on my desk.

@Yansky: Agreed. An awesome add-on, especially since I can be juggling two dozen or more open tabs when doing research for classes.

@sprice82: I thought as much. This is a really beautiful set up. I really like what you did with the supports for the screen armatures and the desk overall. Beats buying an expensive manufactured one, and you could customize it any way you please. You may have inspired me to make my own attempt, but it will take

Sound system? I expected a subwoofer and some satellite speakers somewhere...