Oh, I made a (respectful) negative comment on an article by Megan Reynolds, and the next day I was grey. I’m somewhere between outraged, bummed and in disbelief. It’s so petty, such a display of blatant disregard for their readers, that I haven’t been around much anymore. I like most of the writing and I love you…
Dude, a mom taking her kids out of the country, to be with their grandparents and other extended family, because that’s what’s best for them in this moment is not kidnapping. She may or may not have had their fathers permission. If she didn’t there is no reason to believe she is preventing their dad from seeing them.
Not if you have the partner’s permission and I can only believe that Lauer wouldn’t want his kids here right now.
This makes me laugh since her mom has done commercials for an osteoporosis medication.
That’s what scares me most. Innocent kids not being vaccinated due to this crap and dying of preventable diseases, possibly taking other people’s kids who couldn’t be vaccinated due to age or allergies with them. This is the left’s version of that propaganda that places like Fox and Breitbart churn out and is proof…
Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
“We strive to give a platform to doctors who have interesting, varied, and sometimes unconventional perspectives...”
I cannot understand for the life of me WHY when GOOP was already doing well with the traditional rich white lady ladymag thing it was doing (recommending expensive hotels, giving food-free recipes,etc.), would Gwyneth open herself up to a gazillion potential lawsuits by getting into the area of weird snake-oily…
“(Worth noting that John Waters—the king of camp—regularly depicts low-income white Americans in fun and silly ways yet somehow always manages to be kind.)“
How could I forget about this beautiful gif. And Billy Bush, the guy who set Al Roker’s teeth on edge in this, is gone now too. Byyyye
I will always love this gif and the video it came from forever and ever.
I hope every morning he opens his eyes the first thing Matt Lauer realizes that no one likes him, he has no power or influence, his children will be ashamed by their last name, and that his legacy will forever be that of a rapist. Fuck that fuckface.
To be fair, a key aspect of the story is his thirst.
Airlines in general have been shitting the bed lately, but especially United.
I think she was glad to escape the daily drama. Also, she has a beautiful home in Brentwood and doesn’t have to deal with winter anymore, so I doubt she’d want to return to Hoboken and Today.
On SNL, Colin Jost said that Staten Island is 80% white, 95% cop, and the other 5% are either firefighters or former members of Wu-Tang.
They have the exciting contest between Donovan and Michael Grimm coming up, though.