
Oh God! A comedian doesn't share my enlightened view of beer. BURN THE WITCH!

You can do everything right and still not get PreCheck on the flight. This happened to me once when traveling in a group of three (wife and teenage son).  Only two of the three boarding passes had PreCheck.  When I asked what went wrong, the TSA agent explained that there's a random element to the system.  This

TL;DR dolly it up however you like, but basically, racists are morons

I've had two BMWs with a feature that I haven't seen elsewhere. It angled the passenger side mirror down when you shift into reverse, making parallel parking a breeze.

My ‘62 Mini Cooper has an ashtray in the center of the dash and TWO ashtrays in back, one on each end of the backseat. It always makes me chuckle to think of four people crammed into this tiny car, with only slide windows in front, all lit up and chain smoking.

But if he’s trying to scoop the IP from Delos, as they feared, he loads into Delores for cover. Then he burns all the scraped PII data and scuttles the park as Delores, all because he’s achieved the other purpose of his tech - transference and immortality. He needs to scorch the old park before he can reveal the true

I think Delores now IS Ford. Ford used the party murder to bail on the Delos suits and destroy the IP except for himself. Delores is the oldest host and “remembers everything.”

SARAH BRAASCH irrationally fears and hates black people. SARAH BRAASCH
fondly recalls the days of slavery. SARAH BRAASCH can’t make it out of the dorm without panic-calling campus police facing the threat of a sleeping black person. Let’s make this bigoted pile of human garbage famous- SARAH BRAASCH - Yale Philosophy

You forgot Schrödinger’s Fuck. 

Infinity War was tremendous, but the snap deaths kind of overplayed Marvel’s hand. Had they spread those casualties across more supporting characters (Aunt May, Shuri, General Ross) and left Spiderman, Black Panther, and the Guardians (or at least the main ones) in play, we might not be so sure that the snap will get

Um, the USS Cole as an example of a car as bomb delivery tool? Pretty sure they used a boat.

*bury the lede

A simple one I use is to report every single ad or suggested post in my Facebook feed. GEICO? Sexually Inappropriate. AARP? Misleading or a scam. CNN? False news story. Rinse. Repeat.

When Michael Caine walks through the shop where the Minis are being prepped, one of the mechanics curses from under the jacked up rear of the red one. Why? “Rozzer’s having trouble with his differential.” Gearhead comedy gold.

15. Any group number after 5 when I’m waiting to board an American Airlines flight”

If all white women are Beckys, why are they so hard to find in the wild?

This is the meta game in its purest form. Just like Haargoth embraced Goon culture back in 2009, Aryth managed to use that to entice The Judge. Goon culture is our greatest weapon.

Kudos to Aryth. Welcome to the Alliance Sniper Club. Even better that you flipped the enemy on purpose, not by way of dumb luck like I did.

Now playing

Steve and Eydie did a much better lounge cover.

The guy in your first anecdote seems like a complete tool. While his approaches to romance/intimacy and women generally are boorish and repugnant, I struggle to identify where he “crossed a line.” Not to apologize for or rationalize his conduct, but you seem to identify a socialization and/or series of