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As far as I know, the Swedish Forces are mostly preoccupied with coastal preservation and stuff. The main argument to join the Swedish Forces is to do their duty, but also to gain a valuable job experience. It's not as "DEFEND THE COUNTRY, ARH ARH" as the US I fell.

Ahh, how I miss classic Tomb Raider.

While this is true, it's also very incomplete. History is rife with slavery, but in almost all of the cases, it was the kind of slavery where enemies enslaved their conquered foes in land expansion and typically was only for a generation (there are, obviously, notable exceptions to this in many periods of history).

I don't think that's directly on their mind, but it's how we've been conditioned. It's not a coincidence that Caucasian features are considered more attractive and thus more marketable, that's the society we live in. So someone getting this surgery isn't necessarily thinking "I want to look whiter", but their decision

I love this answer, because it is such a beautiful example of someone creating convoluted scenarios to fit their prescribed worldview when confronted with conflicting information. Spectacular.

I call bull shit on this comment because Sony has always stuck by their plans since the first PlayStation. Fact is, Sony never planned on screwing us like Microsoft did. Two completely different companies, with two different mindsets.

"I like that Helen Mirren has been saying the next doctor should be a woman. I would like to go on record and say that the Queen should be played by a man." - Steven Moffat

Says who? Westerners?

Here's what an Indian judge who sat on the Axis war crimes tribunal had to say about war crimes:

Well...hm. I'm a Christian, and I have some opinions on this, so for what it's worth, here's my two cents:

If these jackholes really wanted to call themselves Christians or pro-life, they would be striving for...

...anti-poverty programs and a warm roof over every head
...good schools available to everyone