In the Mod firing gun would generally draw zombies to your area. Is that the kind of penalty you're looking for?
In the Mod firing gun would generally draw zombies to your area. Is that the kind of penalty you're looking for?
I don't think BF4 is an indication of how bad you are. Due to hit detection and other things it's hard to say. I would say you're not great but not as terrible as you think. I generally do pretty well in other games but do ok in BF4 1.04 K/D.
I think it's a bit to do with both and maybe some other factors? Also, In the past we were all pretty short, check the old armor from different cultures. I think "Guns Germs and Steel" covers the topic a bit.
You sir! Your words make me happy. I have yet to play anything as immersive as Freespace.
That hurt my head so much.
I don't why everyone is hating on you, but you're kinda right. I don't know if they start dry(they have to set the hot keys soon as it starts?), but to click with accuracy and precision like that would be very hard... not to mention the decision making all at the same time. He is one with the marines.
I didn't like that they introduced the High G turn in 6... made it impossible to really follow anyone.
It makes me sad Ridge Racer has turned into a very western game :(. I miss those cities, the pretty lady, and crazy motivating voice.
I have to agree with robotsanic. That qoute while it may have some truth, dollars and politics rule the day. As an individual worker you do your best, but someone above you will make sure curtain standards are met or are not met as to not piss off the wrong people with all the money.
I think that's choice. My PC is about 5 years and runs current games fine... New round of consoles may actually push more demanding games for PC. I usually spend a little bit of money at a time. The most I've spent in one year is about 500$ between a video card(wanted a new one), mobo, and psu(mobo and psu were fried…
I'm starting to think that's the other way around. Consoles are more mainstream and have a larger audience. The trend is that the average person will likely have a laptop over a desktop for mobility and it's all they need to do work.... things are moving towards tablets.
I don't think that's true anymore. All hardware fails. I game on PC because I also work from my PC so it's an economic choice. Although I do prefer PC gaming generally... on occasion there are exclusives I want to play, but it's not that serious.
Uncharted=whatever. But I did enjoy what little I got experience of Last of US. It's a two way street... The PC also has title s I'm sure Console players would love.
I know this is old but I just saw this case and I think I'm going to follow your example. Looks lovely.
Rent in the city is all over the place. I used to have a single for 600 (nothing included Uptown) at about 700sqft. Generally, finding a single is next to impossible unless you want to rent out a 2 bedroom apt going around 800(low-end). A lot of the houses in the city are shotguns. Also, 1 bed vs 2 are actually close…
She looks like a gutter punk. I live in New Orleans... she looks fine for a crazy weekend out.
Based on the way she looks in trailer I suppose she could pass as someone of any race... almost. Basically she looks as though she could be of mixed race.
I don't get this chart. It's for consoles not software.
We are in the same boat there. I don't get all the hype/hate.